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Venus Blood -FRONTIER-
Gameplay - Сharacter Skills - Units - Medallions - Events and Dialogue Choices

Skills - Items - Buildings - Routes/Endings - Goddess Attainable Skills


Each character can have 12 total skills: 6 skills that depends on unit type and fixed when creating a new unit, 2 skills that can be added by using additional medallions and 4 skills that can be gained by equipping a character. Skills are divided into several group depending on their effect.

継続ダメージ系スキル (Skills of turn end damage)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
火炎放射 Fire radiation Target suffers Fire damage at the end of round Fire (火) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
水流放射 Water radiation Target suffers Water damage at the end of round Sea (海) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
氷撃放射 Ice radiation Target suffers Ice damage at the end of round Ice (氷) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
雷撃放射 Thunder radiation Target suffers Thunder damage at the end of round Thunder (雷) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
毒気放射 Poison radiation Target suffers Poison damage at the end of round Poison (毒), Tool (器), Death (死) attribute enemies are immune to this skill. Skill is not affected by skills that provide defense against turn end damage
神術放射 Holy radiation Target suffers Holy damage at the end of round
魔術放射 Magic radiation Target suffers Magic damage at the end of round
大火炎陣 Mass fire All enemies suffer Fire damage at the end of round Fire (火) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
大水流陣 Mass water All enemies suffer Water damage at the end of round Sea (海) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
大氷撃陣 Mass ice All enemies suffer Ice damage at the end of round Ice (氷) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
大雷撃陣 Mass thunder All enemies suffer Thunder damage at the end of round Thunder (雷) attribute enemies are immune to this skill
大毒気陣 Mass poison All enemies suffer Poison damage at the end of round Poison (毒), Tool (器), Death (死) attribute enemies are immune to this skill. Skill is not affected by skills that provide defense against turn end damage
大神術陣 Mass holy All enemies suffer Holy damage at the end of round
大魔術陣 Mass magic All enemies suffer Magic damage at the end of round

継続ダメージ防御スキル (Skills of turn end damage prevention)

Name Name (English) Effect
対術障壁 Anti-magic barrier Protects self from all turn end damage skills except poison
対術結界 Anti-magic kekkai Protects all allies from all turn end damage skills except poison
対術反射 Anti-magic reflector Protects self from all turn end damage skills except poison, reflects all damage unit would have received back on enemy
対術吸収 Anti-magic absorption Protects self from all turn end damage skills except poison, absorbs all damage unit would have received into units HP

陣形スキル (Formation skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
攻撃陣形 Attack formation Gives bonus to Attack to all allies
速度陣形 Speed formation Gives bonus to Speed to all allies
防御陣形 Defense formation Gives bonus to Defense to all allies Also prevents direct attack of units that are placed further in formation
士気陣形 Morale formation Gives bonus to Morale to all allies If all formation skills present allied units gain 4 additional points while skill holder lives

継続回復スキル (Skills of turn end recovery)

All recovery skills does not work on units affected with Cursed status effect.

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
自己治癒 Regeneration Recovers self
対象治癒 Targeted recovery Recovers ally being targeted Does not have effect on Death (死) attribute units
全体治癒 Mass recovery Recovers all allied units Does not have effect on Death (死) attribute units
魔族医療 Magical being treatment Recovers allied Demon (魔) and Death (死) attribute units
平等治癒 Equal recovery Recovers all allied units Without exception

範囲攻撃スキル (Distance attack skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
貫通攻撃 Penetration attack Attack all units in the same row.

100% damage to other unit. Only trigger counter attack on targeted unit.

(Wouldn't Pierce Attack be a better translation?)

扇形攻撃 Sectorial attack Attack all units in the same column.

50% damage to other units. Only trigger counter attack on targeted unit.

(Fan Attack?)

十字攻撃 Cross attack Has both Penetration and Sectorial attack effect.
全域攻撃 Whole area attack Attacks all enemies Only trigger counter attack on targeted unit.

範囲攻撃無効化スキル (Distance attack prevention skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
貫通無効 Penetration invalidity Nullifies Penetration attack Penetration and Sectorial invalidity together nullify Cross attack
扇形無効 Sectorial invalidity Nullifies Sectorial attack Penetration and Sectorial invalidity together nullify Cross attack
十字無効 Cross invalidity Nullifies Penetration and Sectorial attacks
全域無効 Whole area invalidity Nullifies Whole area attack Whole area attack can be nullified only by Whole area invalidity

攻撃スキル (Attack skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
側面攻撃 Flank attack Ignores enemy's Defense Formation. Reduce X force. One full force bar is 100 force.
遠隔攻撃 Ranged attack Ignores enemy's Defense Formation and counter attack.
追加攻撃 Additional attack Additional attacks during a battle round.
必殺増加 Critical Rate Increase Increases chance of critical hit.

Critical damage is 1.5x of normal attack. Caps at 75% total critical chance.

Units without Critical hit skill can only has maximum 50% crit chances(From speed stats).

致命必殺 Deadly Critical Hit

Increases damage of critical hit by X%

Critical hits now ignore 25% of defense.

Stacks additionally.

Stacks multiplicatively with Dimensional attack and Helmet crack.

カブト割 Helmet Crack Ignores X% defense.

Stacks additionally.

Capped at 75%.

Stacks multiplicatively with Dimensional Attack and Deadly Critical Hit.

次元斬撃 Dimensional attack Has ranged attack effect and ignores 75% of enemy defense. Also grants X% Parrying. Not affected by Ranged Attack Invalidity. Only blockable by Evade skill.

戦術補佐スキル (Strategy assistance skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
戦術補助 Strategy assistance Lower Force cost for own units battle skills
戦術陣壁 Strategy barrier Lower battle skills effect on owner
戦術結界 Strategy kekkai Lower battle skills effect on all allies

状態異常系スキル (Abnormal status attack skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
毒化攻撃 Poison attack Inflicts Poison status effect Stackable up to 50%.
麻痺攻撃 Paralyse attack Adds 1 Paralyse counter on enemy. When enemy gains two Paralyse counters, it becomes Stunned Stunned enemies can't act for 1 round. Additional Attack are not affected. Units with Thunder or Transcendent attribute are immune.
呪の一撃 Curse attack Inflicts Curse status effect Curse status lowers parameters by 10%. Cursed units can't be healed with Recovery skills and Recuperate skill is disabled.
攻撃削減 Attack reduction Lowers attacked enemy Attack
速度削減 Speed reduction Lowers attacked enemy Speed
防御削減 Defense reduction Lowers attacked enemy Defense
士気削減 Morale reduction Lowers attacked enemy Morale
虹の毒撃 Rainbow poison attack Inflicts all 7 previous status effects
封印攻撃 Seal attack Inflicts Seal status effect Sealed enemies can't use Turn end damage and Recovery skills. Recuperate skill is disabled.
魅了攻撃 Charm attack Inflicts Charm status effect

Charmed enemies can't act during that round. They can't use Turn end damage and Recovery skills. Works only on enemies of opposite sex, in other cases works like Paralyse [1]. Does not affect Forward Defense skill.

複数異常 Multiple abnormalities Able to inflict abnormal status on multiple targets. Without this skill abnormal status will only affect targeted unit.
反撃異常 Counter abnormalities Inflicts status abnormalities on counter

状態異常治癒スキル (Abnormal status recovery skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
解毒治療 Poison treatment All allied units are protected against Poison status effect
解呪治療 Curse treatment All allied units are protected against Curse status effect
麻痺治療 Paralysis treatment All allied units are protected against Paralyse status effect
削減治療 Reduction treatment All allied units are protected against XX Reduction status effect
絶対治療 Abnormal treatment All allied units are protected against Poison, Curse, Paralyse, XX Reduction status effect
異常耐性 Abnormal tolerance Skill owner protected against all status effects

反撃スキル (Counteroffensive skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
反撃倍加 Counter multiplier Increase counter damage multiplier by skill level Default counter damage multiplier is 1/3
自決自爆 Self-destruction Damages enemy by a percentage of remaining HP before it dies. Even when destroyed by ranged attack deals 50% self-destruct damage

行動系スキル (Action skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
行動増加 Action increase Increases number of battle round for allied army in Main battle Acts as Additional Attack skill in Encounter battle
行動阻害 Behavior inhibition Decreases number of battle round for enemy army in Main battle

防御スキル (Defense Skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
側面無効 Flank Attack Invalidity Nullify flank attacks.
遠隔無効 Ranged Attack Invalidity Nullify ranged attacks.
パリング Parrying Has X% chances to block all normal attacks except critical hits. Stacks additionally.
イベイド Evade Has X% chances to evade ranged attack and dimentional attack. Stacks additionally.
専守防衛 Focus Defense Damage from normal attacks halved. Skill user can't normal attack, but can still counter. Not stackable.
前進防御 Forward Defense Takes all physical damage for the unit before this unit in the formation E.g. Unit at #2 position takes damage for #1 and unit at #1 position takes damage for #6. Does not work against sector attacks.
特攻防御 Special Attack Defense Special attack bonuses are not applied against skill user. Unit type bonus still applicable
巨大体躯 Huge Body All damages and recovery amount this unit received are lowered by X%. Stacks additionally. Cap at 80%.
リカバリ Recovery Restores X% HP after unit dies. Stacks additionally. Won't activate if unit is under Curse or Seal effect.
竜鱗守護 Dragon Skin Protection Ignore damage if damage received is than X% percentage of damage dealt.

Applicable to normal attack and counter attack.

Units with Dragon(竜) attribute special attack or Dimentional Attack will bypass this skill.

強化系スキル (Strenghtening skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
XX活性 XX activity Increases 4 parameters of XX attribute units Does not apply to skill owner
師団指揮 Division command Increases 4 parameters of all allied units except skill owner Morale is raised by 1/4 of skill value

弱体系スキル (Weakening skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
師団弱体 Division weakening Lowers 4 parameters of all enemy units Morale is lowered by 1/4 of the skill value
攻撃弱体 Strength weakening Lowers Attack of all enemy units
速度弱体 Speed weakening Lowers Speed of all enemy units
防御弱体 Defense weakening Lowers Defense of all enemy units
士気弱体 Morale weakening Lowers Morale of all enemy units
XX弱体 XX weakening Lowers all 4 parameters of XX attribute enemy units Morale is lowered by 1/4 of the skill value

特攻系スキル (Special attack skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
XX特攻 XX special attack Gains +100% damage against XX attribute enemy

城壁系スキル (Fortification skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
城壁崩し Fortification destroyer Destroys enemy fortifications during attack
城壁構築 Fortification constructor Strengthen own fortifications during attack

奇襲系スキル (Surprise attack skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
奇襲戦法 Surprise attack strategy Enemy formation is shifted by one unit for every 10 value
奇襲警戒 Surprise attack prevention Skill value is removed from enemy Surprise attack strategy total skill value

昼夜関連スキル (Skills related to day and night)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
太陽信仰 Sun believer All 4 parameters strenghtened during day. All four parameters lowered during night If unit has Night (夜) attribute, defense is not halved during night
夜行生物 Night movement creature All 4 parameters strenghtened during night. All four parameters lowered during day If unit does not have Night (夜) attribute, defense is not halved during night battles
夜戦適応 Night battles adjustment For units that does not have Night (夜) attribute following effects are nullified: lowering of defense by half during night, Defense formation ignorance of Ranged attack, Dissappearance of ability to attack from back row
日中適応 Daytime adjustment If unit has Night (夜) attribute, defense is not halved during day

地形適正スキル (Terrain related skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
兵士運搬 Soldier transportation Nullifies negative terrain effect on allies
地形無効 Terrain effect invalidity Removes all terrain effect from enemies

経験スキル (Experience skills)

Name Name (English) Effect
エリート Elite Gained experience increased by 100%
サボり癖 Lazy habit Gained experience lowered by 50%

ドロップ系スキル (Drop system skills)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
トレハン Treasure hunter Increases rarity of items after battle (including medallions)
撃破金運 Battle miner Increases chance to gain ore after battle Level of ore depends on skill value