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Venus Blood -FRONTIER-
Gameplay - Сharacter Skills - Units - Medallions - Events and Dialogue Choices

Skills - Items - Buildings - Routes/Endings - Goddess Attainable Skills


Each character can have a total of 12 skills :

  • 6 skills depends of the unit, and won't change;
  • 2 skills can be added with Medallions, the main characters can get them by doing specific events;
  • 4 skills can be added with equipment.

End Turn Damage Skills (継続ダメージ系スキル)

Damage dealt per turn = User's Current Hp * [Skill Value]% + [Skill Value].

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
火炎放射 Fire Blast The target takes fire damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Fire type units.
水流放射 Water Blast The target takes water damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Water type units.
氷撃放射 Ice Blast The target takes ice damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Ice type units.
雷撃放射 Lightning Blast The target takes lightning damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Lightning type units.
毒気放射 Poison Blast The target takes poison damage at the end of each turn.

No effect on Poison / Mechanic / Undead type units.

Not affected by End Turn Damage Defense Skills.

神術放射 Light Blast The target takes light damage at the end of each turn.
魔術放射 Dark Blast The target takes dark damage at the end of each turn.
大火炎陣 Fire Field All enemies take fire type damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Fire type units.
大水流陣 Water Field All enemies take water type damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Water type units.
大氷撃陣 Ice Field All enemies take ice type damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Ice type units.
大雷撃陣 Lightning Field All enemies take lightning type damage at the end of each turn. No effect on Lightning type units.
大毒気陣 Poison Field All enemies take poison type damage at the end of each turn.

No effect on Poison / Mechanic / Undead type units.

Not affected by End Turn Damage Defense Skills.

大神術陣 Light Field All enemies take light type damage at the end of each turn.
大魔術陣 Dark Field All enemies take dark type damage at the end of each turn.

End Turn Damage Defense Skills (継続ダメージ防御スキル)

These skills can stack with each other multiplicatively, even with the same skill.

Name Name (English) Effect
対術障壁 Spell Wall This unit takes less damage from non-poison end turn damage skills.
対術結界 Spell Barrier All allies take less damage from non-poison end turn damage skills.
対術反射 Spell Reflect Nullify non-poison end turn damage to this unit, taking some portion of that damage and reflecting it on the target enemy.
対術吸収 Spell Absorb Nullify non-poison end turn damage to this unit, taking some portion of that damage and using it to heal this unit's HP.

Formation Skills (陣形スキル)

These skills take effect only when the owner of the skill is alive and there are at least four allied units on the field.

Name Name (English) Effect
攻撃陣形 Attack Tactics Your full army gains an attack bonus
速度陣形 Speed Tactics Your full army gains a speed bonus.
防御陣形 Defense Tactics

Your full army gains a defense bonus.
Defend all units placed behind this unit.

士気陣形 Morale Tactics Your full army gains a morale bonus.

Healing Skills (継続回復スキル)

All healing skills are blocked by the Curse ailment.

Healing amount = User's Current Hp * [Skill Value]% + [Skill Value]

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
自己治癒 Self Heal Recover the user's HP.
対象治癒 Target heal Restore the targeted ally's HP. No effect on Undead type units.
全体治癒 Group Heal Recover all allies. No effect on Undead type units.
魔族医療 Demon Medic Recover Demon and Undead type units HP.
平等治癒 Equitable Heal Recover all allies HP.

Area Attack Skills (範囲攻撃スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
貫通攻撃 Pierce Attack Targeting a frontline enemy will also hit the enemy on the backline and vice versa.

Only the main target can counterattack.

扇形攻撃 Wide attack When attacking an enemy, also attack the enemies in the same row.

Other than the main target, enemies take half damage. Only the main target can counterattack.

十字攻撃 Cross attack Provides the effect of both Pierce Attack and Wide Attack.
全域攻撃 All Attack Attacks all enemies.

Other than the main target, enemies take half damage.

Only the main target can counterattack.

Area Attack Null Skills (範囲攻撃無効化スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
貫通無効 Pierce Null Nullifies the enemy's Pierce Attack.

Nullifies the Pierce Attack effect on Cross Attack.

With both Pierce Null and Wide Null, the unit car block Cross Attacks.

扇形無効 Wide Null Nullifies the enemy's Wide Attack.

Nullifies the Wide Attack effect on Cross Attack.

With both Pierce Null and Wide Null, the unit car block Cross Attacks.

十字無効 Cross Null Provides the effects of both Pierce Null and Wide Null.
全域無効 All Null Nullifies the enemy's All Attack No effect on Pierce Attack, Wide Attack and Cross Attack.

Attack Skills (攻撃スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
側面攻撃 Flank Attack Enables attacking backline enemies and ignores Defense Tactics.
Damages the enemy's Force by [Skill Value].
遠隔攻撃 Range Attack

Attack without being counterattacked.
During the day, also ignores Defense Tactics and enables attacking the backline.

追加攻撃 Added Attack Grants more attacks per turn.
必殺増加 Critical Boost Increases critical rate by [Skill Value]%.

Critical damage is 1.5x of normal attack. Critical rate capped at 75%.

Unit without Critical Boost skill have Critical rate capped at 50%

致命必殺 Lethal Critical

Increases damage of critical hit by [Skill Value]%.

Critical hits also ignores 25% of defense.

Stacks multiplicatively with Dimension Slash and Helmet Slit.
カブト割 Helmet Slit Ignores [Skill Value]% of the enemy's Defense when doing damage.

Capped at 75%.

Stacks multiplicatively with Dimension Slash and Lethal Critical.

次元斬撃 Dimension Slash Has the effect of both Range Attack and Parry, and ignores the enemy's Parry and Dragon Scales skills.
Ignores 75% of the enemy's Defense when doing damage.
Parry chance is [Skill Value]%

Tactic Support Skills (戦術補佐スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
戦術補助 Strat Support Reduces the Force cost of tactic skills by [Skill Value].
戦術陣壁 Strat Wall The unit with this skill takes [Skill Value]% less damage from tactic skills.
戦術結界 Strat Barrier All units takes [Skill Value]% less damage from tactic skills.

Status Ailment Skills (状態異常系スキル)

All status ailment skills have no effect on Super type units.

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
毒化攻撃 Poison Attack Poisons an enemy to the degree indicated by this skill's value.

No effect on Poison / Mechanic / Undead type units.

Poisoned enemies take proportional damage at the end of each turn (cap at 50%).

麻痺攻撃 Stun Attack Deals Stun Counters proportional to this skill's value.

No effect on Lightning type units.

Two or more Stun Counters will stun an enemy and prevent them from acting for a turn.

呪の一撃 Cursed Strike Curses the enemy. Cursed enemies suffers a 10% penalty to their status parameters and cannot be healed in battle.
攻撃削減 Attack Debuff Each attack reduces the target's Attack by [Skill Value].
速度削減 Speed Debuff Each attack reduces the target's Speed by [Skill Value].
防御削減 Defense Debuff Each attack reduces the target's Defense by [Skill Value].
士気削減 Morale Debuff Each attack reduces the target's Morale by [Skill Value].
虹の毒撃 Rainbow Venom Applies all of the seven ailments above.
封印攻撃 Seal Attack The damaged unit receives sealed status. Sealed status prevents end turn damage and healing.
魅了攻撃 Charm Attack The damaged unit receives charmed status.

Charmed units can't do anything for that round. If the target isn't the opposite sex of the attacker, they will take one Stun Counter.

複数異常 Multi Aliment If the owner of this skill also has an area attack skill, their status ailment skills will affect all targets.
反撃異常 Counter Aliment Counterattacks will also inflict status ailment.

Ailment Cure Skills (状態異常治癒スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
解毒治療 Poison Cure All allies are immune to poison.
解呪治療 Curse Cure All allies are immune to curse.
麻痺治療 Stun Cure All allies are immune to stun.
削減治療 XX Debuff Cure Block XX debuffs for all allies.
絶対治療 Absolute Cure All allies are immune to poison, curse, stun, and XX Debuff.
異常耐性 Resist Ailments Units with this skill are immune to all ailments.

Counterattack Skills (反撃スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
反撃倍加 Counter Amp Multiplies counterattack damage. Default counter damage multiplier is 1.
自決自爆 Self-Destruct When defeated by a direct attack, self-destruct and damage the unit that attacked.
Damage = Hp remained before dying * [Skill Value]%
Ranged attackers will also take a part of self-destruct damage.

Action Skills (行動系スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
行動増加 Action Boost In main battles, your army gets more turns. In encounter battles, this skills functions like Added Attack (Grants more attacks per turn.)
行動阻害 Action Block In main battles, reduce the enemy's turn count.

Defense Skills (防御スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
側面無効 Flank Null As long as the unit with this skill is alive, the enemy's flank attacks are nullifed.
遠隔無効 Range Null As long as the unit with this skill is alive, the enemy's ranged attacks are nullifed.
パリング Parry [Skill Value]% chances of blocking all normal attack damage aside from critical attacks.
イベイド Evade [Skill Value]% chances of dodging ranged attacks.
専守防衛 Defense Only Takes half damage from normal attacks, but can't attack except with counterattacks.
前進防御 Forward Guard Take attacks for the next unit ahead in line, even from enemies with Flank or Range Attack.

Unit with Forward Guard on position #2 will take damage for unit in position #1

Unit with Forward Guard on position #1 will take damage for unit in position #6

特攻防御 Slayer Defense Units with this skill don't take extra damage from enemies with type-slaying skills.
巨大体躯 Hardy Physique Normal damage, end turn damage, healing, and tactic skills effect are all reduced by [Skill Value]%. Cap at 90%.
リカバリ Recovery Once per battle, units with this skill revive from 0 HP with [Skill Value]% HP. If Cursed or Sealed, they can't revive.
竜鱗守護 Dragon Scales If [Skill Value]% of the damage this unit deals to the enemy is greater than the damage the enemy deals to this unit, the enemy damage is reduced to 0.

If the enemy slays Dragon type units, this effect is invalid.

This skill works with both attacks and counterattacks.

Boost Skills (強化系スキル)

Boost Skills only takes effect while the owners of these skills are alive.
Increased Stats (except Morale) = [Skill Value].
Increased Morale = [Skill Value]/4.

Name Name (English) Effect
XX活性 XX Boost All stats for XX type allied units are increased.
師団指揮 Squad Boost All stats of all allied units are increased.

Sap Skills (弱体系スキル)

Sap Skills only takes effect while the owners of these skills are alive.
Decreased Stats (except Morale) = [Skill Value].
Decreased Morale = [Skill Value]/4.

Name Name (English) Effect
師団弱体 Sap Squad All stats for all enemies are decreased.
攻撃弱体 Sap Attack Weakens attack of all enemy units.
防御弱体 Sap Defense Weakens defense of all enemy units.
速度弱体 Sap Speed Weakens speed of all enemy units.
士気弱体 Sap Morale Weakens morale of all enemy units.
XX弱体 Sap XX All stats for XX type enemies units are decreased.

Slayer Skills (特攻系スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
XX特攻 Slay XX Deal 100% more damage to enemies of the XX type.

Wall Skills (城壁系スキル)

Wall value (Lnd) reduces damage taken from the units.

Name Name (English) Effect
城壁崩し Wall Breaker At the start of battle, enemy terrain defense (Lnd) is decreased by the value of this skill.
城壁構築 Wall Builder At the start of battle, ally terrain defense (Lnd) is increased by the value of this skill.

Ambush Skills (奇襲系スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
奇襲戦法 Ambush Tactics Totals up the value of all allies' Ambush skills.
For every 10 points, one enemy's position gets shuffled.
奇襲警戒 Ambush Alert The enemy's total Ambush Tactics value is reduced by your Ambush Alert value.

Day/Night Skills (昼夜関連スキル)

Units without night attribute loses half of their defense and ranged attacks are unable to ignore Defense Tactics and hit backline enemies during the night. Units with night attribute loses half of their defense during the day.

Name Name (English) Effect
太陽信仰 Sun Worship

All stats are increased ( [Skill Value]% ) during the day, while all stats are decreased ( [Skill Value]% ) at night.
Prevents Night type units from losing half their Defense during the day.

夜行生物 Nocturnal All stats are increased ( [Skill Value]% ) at night, while all stats are decreased ( [Skill Value]% ) during the day.
Prevents non-Night type units from losing half their Defense during the night.
夜戦適応 Night-Attuned Non-Night type units prevent the following effects during the night :
- Losing half their Defense
- Losing Range Attack's abilities to ignore Defense Tactics and hit backline enemies.
日中適応 Day-Attuned Night type units won't lose half their defense during the day.

Terrain Adjustment Skills (地形適正スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
兵士運搬 Troop Carrier Nullifies negative terrain effects on allies.
地形無効 Terrain Null Nullifies all terrain effect for enemis and allies.

Exp Skills (経験スキル)

Name Name (English) Effect
エリート Elite Units with this skill get +100% EXP.
サボり癖 Slacker Units with this skill get -50% EXP.

Item Drop Skills (ドロップ系スキル)

The owners of the skills must be alive at the end of battle for them to take effect.

Name Name (English) Effect Comment
トレハン Treasure Hunt When defeating an enemy, increases the chance of getting Medallions and rare items.
撃破金運 Bounty Hunter When defeating an enemy, you have some chance of obtaining extra ore.

Skill Value 1 : Copper Ore
Skill Value 2 : Iron Ore
Skill Value 3 : Silver Ore
Skill Value 4 : Soul Silver Ore
Skill Value 5 : Gold Ore
Skill Value 6 : Mithril Ore
Skill Value 7 : Orichalcum Ore
